Finding the correct web host for yourself is not simple. There are heaps of elements to consider. Regardless of whether you have your list of best web hosting, you may, in any case, be left with some question marks concerning which hosting service is the correct one for you.
This article will give you a comparison of every VPS hosting offered out there. In doing so, we hope it can help you in the decision making process and come up with the VPS hosting that suits your needs the most.
Are you game? Then let us dive right in.
VPS Hosting Comparison

Below, we provide you a comprehensive explanation of each hosting service provided out there. From shared, virtual private server, dedicated, and also cloud hosting. Hence, you should know which one of these hosting services meet your current needs.
- Shared Hosting – Perfect for Beginners
Like its name, you have to share the server with the other sites located on the server. For the exact amount of the sites, it depends on the hosting provider setting. As a matter in fact, it is normal if your site shares the server with hundreds or thousand sites.
For its benefit, when using shared hosting, you also share the cost with other server users. That is why it is perfect for those who start their website or for a site with low traffic. On the contrary, the deficiency of shared hosting is the possibilities of your site going down or even offline is high, because you also have to share the resources like RAM and CPU with others.
- VPS Hosting – Well-balanced Hosting
Virtual Private Server considers as the most proportional of web hosting. In principle, VPS server is a shared environment with a different configuration with shared hosting (for more information check VPSserver). In using VPS, you only share on a single physical server that houses several and separate virtualization machines. The advantage that you can get is VPS is more stable and dependable. In addition, the amount of sites per server is also limited, at least for 10 to 20 websites. It means reducing the server’s demand itself. The primary one is that you gain full access to customize your environment, which you can not get when using shared hosting. Because you can affect the other websites when you change the setting.
When it comes to the downsides of using VPS server, you may not find a lot. The only thing is it cost. If you are on a limited budget, it might be not very recommended to utilize VPS. You should use shared hosting for your solution momentarily. Besides, you need to have technical skills in utilizing the VPS server. For instance if you do not know what you are doing with the setting and configuration, you might end up losing essential data without noticing it.
- Dedicated Hosting – For the Big Leagues

Based on its name, it implies that you get a hosting service dedicated to you. One server for yourself alone. Due to that fact, the advantage is that you will not get any neighborhood issues that you might get from the previous hosting services. Besides, since it is your server, you have full access to customization, such as choosing the operating system, picking the type and amount of memory, and any other hardware aspects.
The deficiency is because of its dedicated characteristic; you have to do the initial setup and configuration by yourself, it means that you have to possess the skills needed for server management. Also, dedicated hosting charges much higher than the shared and VPS hosting.
- Cloud Hosting – Advanced Web Hosting
At a glance, cloud hosting is quite similar to VPS because you have your website on a virtual server. The difference is despite utilizing a single actual server. A combination of multiple servers supports your website. This hosting service becomes normal among enterprises, even they do not refer to the service as VPS anymore, but Cloud VPS or Cloud. For its benefits, cloud hosting is easier in terms of scaling the capacity. In addition, cloud hosting utilizes multiple servers to form a superb virtual server. It will mitigate the possibility of downtime or offline because the other servers will back it up if a server error. You only have to pay for the resources you use instead of getting charged for a fixed cost upfront and might not use every resource you get.
On the other side, this cost structure could also be the downside of using cloud hosting. Some hosting service provider offers a combination of fixed and pay for what you use pricing. Hence, the cost of cloud hosting is quite hard to predict.

In terms of pricing, it depends on how much you want to invest in hosting services. At a glance, if you have a new and low traffic website, basically, you only need to use shared hosting to support you. This hosting service is affordable however comes with lots of restrictions like the amount of website you can run as your business develops.
On the other side, while you decide to use VPS, you may still be sharing an actual server with other sites. But, you have your exclusive resources such as CPU and RAM for your area only on a VPS. Utilizing this hosting service enables your site to develop and generate more traffic.
Just like any other business, you should pay attention to all of the offered services. You should focus on the disk space, CPU, RAM, bandwidth, data backups, and, most importantly, full-time customer support for hosting services. Considering every single one of these factors, consequently, you can get the most suitable pricing model for you.
Which of the Different Types of Web Hosting is for You?
Picking a hosting bundle can be troublesome and takes a great deal of thought. Nonetheless, the initial step is understanding the various kinds of hosting usable for you. Ideally, this article has given you enough preparation to do that.
In case you are merely beginning (for example, when constructing your first webpage/blog), it is acceptable to go with shared hosting. Because you can always transfer to a great arrangement later, this can only happen when you recognize that your website requires resources that shared hosting does not possess. You should have upgraded to a much better hosting service.
Whenever you have settled on a choice, it bodes well to take a peek at many providers to locate the top ones. Pay attention to their offer and analyze the storage space, RAM, CDN utilization, and other essential resources. Afterward, look for extra features that you require.