Writing a recommendation letter is certainly a matter of great honor but at the same time, it is a great responsibility as well. Generally, a recommendation letter for a teacher is written at the time when a person seeks employment in college or school or any other teaching institute. Actually, the recommendation letter acts as a character reference for the person who has applied for the post of teacher and such a letter can certainly add more value to the candidature.
It is always better if the principal of the candidate’s previous school where he had worked earlier writes such a letter. But in the case of a fresher candidate, the former professor of the candidate can also write this kind of letter. In this kind of letter, the positive qualities of the candidate are highlighted. In simple words, you can say that with this letter you try to explain how the candidate is suitable for the post of teacher.

It mostly is seen that people who are given the responsibility of writing the recommendation letter are not too comfortable in writing the letter. In fact, most of them even do not know the tactics of writing such a letter. As a result, such a letter cannot impress the employer. That is the reason why we have come up with a template which has all the necessary points required to provide in the recommendation letter. But still, if you want to get some templates and samples then you must check it on BestLetterTemplate.com.

Templates for recommendation letter for teacher
The following is the best template for a recommendation letter for the teacher:
Cara Justin
4005 RoyalFord St.
Torrance Xiom 22767
(725) 767-2027
Sandy Lewis
NY #715-7441 Enfield Street
New York NY 78892
Subject: Recommendation for the post of teacher
Dear Sandy,
It gives me immense pleasure for recommending for the post of a Teacher in your school. I had privileged to work with this person who is an exceptional teacher. Most importantly, is a great human being. He had worked in my school for more than ten years now. As a principal I found him to be very cooperative and well-behaved. I can assure you that he is highly dedicated and sincere towards his job. He was an integral part of my school since he joined and always forwarded his hand during the difficult times. I can never fathom his immense contributions to my school.
In my school <name of the applicant> was responsible for teaching. It was due to his hard work and dedication that the student of our school had topped in the board examination. Most of his students achieved more than 95% in his subject and his teaching skills are very credible and the most important thing is that he is one of the most favorite teachers of almost all students of our school.
I can further assure you that is a very helpful person. Whenever in doubt, students used to rush to him and he used to listen very carefully and solve their problem. He is also an excellent counselor and certainly a source of inspiration for all students and teacher of our school. That is the reason why I greatly recommend him for the post of the teacher in your school.
Feel free to contact me if you need any queries and you can give me a call as and when required.
Cara Justin
<Contact Details>