Cancun is a place where the turquoise sea and the white sand offer the best view accompanied by a delicious breeze under the radiant sunshine, which is why thousands of people decide to travel to this iconic destination every day.
No matter what is the reason for your trip, and whether you are going on vacation or with your friends and family, you need to know this:
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Cancun is a city divided into three parts:
The Cancun has three main distinctive areas – the downtown area, where you will usually find thousands of locals shopping and visiting the city, the archeological zone with Mayan ruins, and the Hotel Zone, where you can find most of the hotels and resorts of the town. What makes the Hotel Zone so popular are the shopping malls like Plaza la Isla and Puerto Cancun, which are only two of the six malls you can find in this area. Each part is unique in its way.
The inhabitants are very amicable and emphatic
You may have heard that Mexicans are fantastic hosts, and they are. They have excellent customer service, so you don’t have to fear or hesitate to ask for any piece of advice because Mexicans are so warm that you will probably come home with more than a couple of Mexican friends on your Facebook friends list.
Cancun is not unsafe
As long as you stay in the hotel zone and busy places in the morning so as not to expose your safety, Cancun is one of the safest places. According to, if you have to get an airport car rental Cancun service, do it because it is much safer to visit the city on your own and at your own pace.
Also, remember that the unsafety we have heard about Cancun doesn`t include the whole city, only part of it. As long as you stay in a safe area like the hotel zone, you don’t have to feel threatened. Also, the authorities keep track of tourists and visitors, so don’t be afraid to travel to this incredible, fantastic destination.
80% of the inhabitants speak English
Is this possible? Of course, it is! As an international tourist destination, Cancun and its inhabitants have had to adapt to this type of situation, which is why most of the people you`ll meet (especially in the hotel zone) will not struggle to understand you and communicate with you. In addition to that – all the signs, restaurant menus, and prices are available to a broad international audience.
Cancun is an adaptable city
Having millions of tourists annually, Cancun has become one of the towns with a high level of multiculturalism, that you will be impressed with how well you will adapt to the city! For more than four decades, thousands of people who have traveled to Cancun have decided to stay there for good. So, during your visit, Cancun will always adapt to what you need and expect (if and when it is possible).
It is better to pay with pesos
They accept dollars almost everywhere. However, you should know that prices in pesos are much lower than when you`re paying with dollars. A US dollar is worth 19.30 Mexican pesos. However, if you pay for services such as buses, tips, various activities and meals, your dollar will be devalued to only 10 Mexican pesos, so, yes, it is much better to convert your money ahead.
You can maximize your dollar to peso exchange rate conversion by using websites like CompareRemit, where you will be able to compare different companies with the best exchange rates.
Not all hotels are expensive
When you arrive in Cancun, you will feel like paradise, and for the same reason, you will assume that all the hotels are costly. Well, they are not if you get a room in advance.
All the beaches have rules
The main tourist attraction are the beaches, and here are some rules you need to know when you go to the beach:
- No littering
- Do not pick up sand
- No pets (There are exceptions)
You need to follow the indications provided by the lifeguards. Most of them will blow a whistle if someone gets too far from the safe zone or if they want to let tourists know about the risks, depending on the color of the flag they choose. These are the meanings of the flags on the beaches of Cancun.
- White Flags
This flag has a significant meaning for all swimmers because you will know that you will not be in any danger to enter the sea, and you will be able to go a little deeper if you want to swim in the crystal clear waters. At the same time, you explore more deeply the immensity of the Caribbean Sea.
- Yellow Flag
That means that there is no danger of entering the sea, because the current is not very strong or perhaps not even as strong waves, there is no danger, but it is advisable not to go too deep because the chances of the current increasing are high
- Red Flag
That means that the tide is extreme and alerts visitors to stay on the shore to avoid being carried away by the strong sea currents
- Black Flag
That can have two meanings, that the current is powerful or that there is a threat of damage to bathers, either by the current or the swell
With these data, we are sure that you will enjoy your vacation in Cancun like never before. In the meantime, if you need airport transport when you arrive in the USA check it out