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Intellect soft
Intellect soft was founded in 2007 in the USA and ever since it has been a name to be reckoned with in the domain of mobile app business. It is one of the most efficient operators in this particular regard and has achieved remarkable success as well. As far as software development is concerned the company has grown to become one of the most reliable partners around. Till date, its most prominent partners have been the likes of Nestle, Jaguar, and Eurostar. These are names that do not need any introduction as such. They are perfect at combining technology with variety.
Blue Label Labs
Blue Label Labs was founded in 2009 in the USA. It is based out of New York and Seattle. The company has found immense success in the mobile app business having worked in cases of patents of at least 150 applications. It has worked on iOS as well as Android. The company employs only around 40 people but its work is impeccable, to say the least. Apart from mobile platforms, it can also make apps for TVs and watches, to name a few. They handle all stages of the process starting from development to the launch.
Y Media Labs
Y Media Labs was founded in 2008 in the USA. As far as the world of mobile app business is concerned it is well known for the way it works. In fact, it has been a close collaborator of a company such as Apple. This should tell you how good it is in the first place. Apart from that, it has also partnered with the likes of PayPal, North Face, and eBay, to name a few. The way it blends in innovation and technology is unique, to say the least. This is why its products make such a lasting impact.
Raizlabs was established in 2003 in the USA. In the domain of the mobile app business, it is regarded as one of the top names to be reckoned with. It specializes in mobile apps and is said to have created some of the finest such apps to date. In fact, its apps have been said to have improved the quality of lives of so many around the world. The company is based out of Right Point and it has definitely made a name for itself. It is respected and trusted by a number of companies around the world.
As far as the mobile app business is concerned Iflexion is one of the oldest top names going around. It was founded in 1999 in the USA. In fact, it is these 20 year of experience that sets it apart from so many of its ilk. In its years of experience, the company has continued to change itself and this is how it has endeared itself to its clients. It works around the world and apart from basic app development it focuses on sectors such as content distribution and eCommerce as well. It is available in the online world too. Click here for more information on the mobile business.