If you want to travel to some faraway country, but cannot decide where to go our recommendation is Cambodia. If you have never been to South Asia, this is a great place to start. Clearly, you have to research this country before booking the flight, and in this text, you are going to find some practical tips for the first time travelers.
The very first thing you have to investigate is visa requirements. Every traveler needs this document approved and you can apply for it online. There are many companies that can start this process online like go-cambodia-online.com. Find the one that is trustworthy and read all the instructions online.

Obviously, you will have to provide them with all personal data and information regarding the trip, and also pay a small fee, but the whole process will be fast and easy and you will get the visa in no time.
Furthermore, make a plan for the trip. There are so many different things you have to try and experience while in Cambodia, but the chances are you will not have enough time. Due to this, draw up a list of things you want to visit and plan the vacation accordingly.

Keep in mind that you have to be dressed appropriately if you want to visit certain places. For example, you will not be allowed to enter any of the Angkor Wat temples if your shoulders and keens are not covered. This is clearly stated on the tickets; however, many tourists forget about this condition and end up being disappointed.
Since Cambodia is very hot, you should go sightseeing early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Not only will you feel energized, but you will also avoid crowds and have the freedom to explore everything in peace and quiet. Don’t forget to bring sun protection and use it regularly!

If you have sensitive skin, you will have sunburns within an hour, and this will just ruin the entire vacation. Also, you should bring a hat, and don’t forget a bottle of water. Never go sightseeing without a bottle of water in your backpack.
Similarly, do not forget to bring a mosquito repellent. There are millions of them and they can be really annoying, so make sure to apply this product every time before leaving the accommodation.
When it comes to the money, always have some cash with you, since most places will not accept your credit card. You should never bring more money than you will need, just for your own safety. The primary currency in Cambodia is the US Dollar, which is great.

However, you shouldn’t take out large amounts of cash from the ATM. What’s more, you have to know that no one will accept a damaged bill. If you are American, this is not a problem, but if you are from a country where the US dollar is not a primary currency this can be a problem.
All in all, these are only some tips you can use while on your vacation in Cambodia. If you like to know everything about the country you are visiting for the first time, than you have a lot of research to do.