We all have the same home. Earth is what we all have in common. Unfortunately, we all use resources as if there are other planets people can move to. There’s no plan B because there is no planet B. Let us then participate together in a project to fight greenhouse gas emissions and collective dependence on fossil fuels, which is devastating long-term. Solar energy systems can help us in this fight. It’s still not too late.
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A clean source of energy

Clean source, energy from the sun. This way we can avoid greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. If we install solar panels in our home and use them to generate electricity, we simultaneously reduce public health problems and saving a huge amount of money. Not to mention lives.
International Space Station
Today, solar energy is still the main source of energy at the International Space Station, where it all began. Also on Earth where it is traditionally used in areas where there is no practical source of electricity but plenty of sunshine.
Everyday Use

The application of solar energy may relate to those basic things such as heat required for the preparation of hot water, residential heating or cooking, but also to the production of electricity by solar cells or heat engines. This means that you can easily cook your favorite foods when outside … or if you just run out of electricity! You could also use solar powered lights and wind spinners outdoor. It provides increased flexibility in garden design and no electricity required, no wiring. Read more about solar lights and garden sculptures at allneedoff.com.
Electric cars

As for car lovers, we have great news for you! An electric car is a car powered by an electric motor, which uses electricity stored in a battery or other energy storage devices. The energy crises of the 1970s and 1980s led to a lack of interest in this type of car. Renewed interest in the production of electric cars in the mid-2000s, largely due to concerns about the accelerated increase of oil prices and the need to reduce the greenhouse effect.
Also, we have to think about the future and the moment when we spend all the Earth’s resources. The ideal situation would be if the energy for the car is solar, especially in sunny parts of the world. Elon Musk, CEO of the Tesla and SpaceX, has stated that they are working to lighten solar panels and mount them on the roofs and hoods of their Tesla models, which would provide a steady influx of energy, especially in cities like LA and Miami with over 300 sunny days a year. It would be a complete revolution in every respect. This would mean that the owners would almost never have to charge their car and would significantly extend the driving distance.
What makes solar panels our future? Well…
Free energy production
We can confidently say that solar panels are one of the best possible investments when it comes to our home. What we need to be assured is that we can save a lot of money with this investment in the future, and when we compare the cost of producing and installing components and the cost of maintaining and producing energy, we practically did not spend anything. Solar energy does not require external supply in order to work, which frees us from day-to-day concerns about bills. An unlimited and continuous energy source that requires no additional costs or maintenance/use.
No loss during transport
What makes this system easy to use is that solar energy is used directly from the purest source and therefore does not have to travel any distance that would require the loss of a certain amount of energy. Transport is carried out within the source itself, the efficient electrical system is increased to the maximum.
Easy mounting

Installing solar panels is very simple and does not require any skill or experience. There are almost no restrictions on where it can be placed. The only important thing is to be exposed to the sun as much as possible for as long as possible. Even installing a very large number of panels does not require much time or workers, so it’s quite easy to set up a solar farm. Supplying electricity to rural areas is a major problem that can easily be solved this way. There are also no more blackouts due to transmission line or power plant failures.
Production according to needs
The production of energy through the sun is in accordance with the consumption. During the day, when the needs are big, so is the production. At night, when the demand drops, the battery supplies will be more than enough for lighting and similar things. For this reason, it is very important to invest in a good battery and solar inverter. After that, we won’t have any more worries.
Environmental impact

Solar energy does not have a negative impact on the environment because it does not produce any type of harmful waste – it does not need maintenance, by-products or noise during the installation itself, which is very important when it comes to urban areas, where we have a fast and noisy life. The solar panels are designed to withstand any type of weather because they are so fixed on our roof that there is no chance of mechanical damage.
Every decision we make today has the power to contribute to the well-being of several generations to come. If you own the least acres of land in the US, Canada or Mexico and do not use them for agriculture, mining and more, unused land in a few months can give you a steady stream of income for up to 25 years and you won’t have to do anything.
7x.energy takes this very seriously and is aiming at renewable energy, which is the core strategy for energy sustainability seven generations from now. And that’s not all. Another benefit of this project is economic in nature for the purpose of the community. All this does not have to do with the lease or sale of land of interested clients for the development of solar farms, but if you decide to cooperate as a landowner it also participates in a very humane project and showing a great deal of awareness.
Solar power is on the rise. You can see the evidence all around, on rooftops, in the desert, where’s huge solar plants are popping up and on many other places. The situation is not all rosy but if the recent past is any indicator, solar power is going to help lead the transition to a carbon-free future and it might do it faster than we expect.