If you think that having a recognizable business sign is not so important, just think about all the brands that are known worldwide due to their logos and signs. From McDonald’s to IKEA, when you see that sign, you know what it is. Whether you are trying to position your brand locally or globally, your business sign needs to be recognizable. But it takes time to do that.
Sometimes it can happen that people pass by your sign for weeks without noticing it. That means you have wasted your time and money because that sign is not doing you any favors which is why top branding agencies in Theymakedesign blog are so important.
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Get to Know the Basics

You might think that there are no restrictions when it comes to shapes and sizes of a sign, but that is not entirely true. It depends on where you live. Just like there is the International Sign Association, many states, cities, and even business areas have their own sign policy, so you should check that first before you start designing. These rules are not usually very restrictive, and your design will probably fit into their guidelines, but it is always better to check before you start investing.
Brand Image

Your sign needs to be an integral part of your brand identity, meaning that it should match the colors and style you are using for the logo, office spaces, etc. It needs to look like a whole package; only then it contributes to brand recognition. Whether you are making a completely new sign or you are redesigning an old one, be consistent with the brand image you are building. Pay attention that all the fonts, colors, and forms are all the same. The sign will be the most visible part of your brand, so when people come to your office or shop, they need to be able to see the clear connection between it and the outdoor sign.

Elements of a Good Business Sign
You do not have to be a designer, but you have to know some basics if you want a sign that leaves a good first impression. Designers are there to design and follow your guidelines, but your guidelines need to be good. When you are running a business, it is challenging to look at things from a distance. That is why it is always good to ask for another opinion, perhaps your employees or friends, because you probably won’t be able to notice the flaws at first glance. If you are out of ideas, take a look at shieldcoart.com and consult with the experts.
Before you start sketching and playing with colors and fonts, you need to determine what type of material you want to use. The majority of people opt for metal business signs because it is hard to go wrong with them. However, depending on the nature of your business, you can also pick wood, plastic, neon, or 3D signs. When it comes to metal, aluminum is the most common choice because it is prone to rust, it is lightweight, and easy for welding.

Mixing fonts is always tricky, and it is easy to cross that line of good taste, so be careful with it. We always recommend picking clean and simple fonts that are readable from afar. There should be a clear message, without too much explanation and complicated sentences. Not only that, a huge amount of text creates a visual mess, but also people do not have that much time to read everything, especially if they are in a car passing by. So focus on the essential information without going into details about it.
Colors should be coordinated with your brands’ identity, but you should not combine colors that are too similar or different shades of the same color. Usually, bold and vibrant colors work the best, for example, green, orange, yellow, blue, pink, etc. pastels are pretty, but they tend to blend with the surroundings easily. You need something that is going to stand out and be eye-catching, which creates strong contrasts because that also increases the readability of your message and makes your logo pop out.

When talking about outdoor signs, location is everything. The sign should be placed around the sightline, but pay attention that it is still visible from different points of view, and you can always install more than one. Just make sure that the one that is in your neighborhood is well-positioned so that the people who are passing by daily can notice it.
Less Is More
Overall your business sign should look sleek, simple yet effective, without too many details. Simplicity is the key; that is why it is important to have a clear vision from the start about your brand’s identity. You cannot afford to change your visual identity too often, and not just money-wise, it will confuse people, and that is exactly what you should not do. A brand that changes its identity more than once is hardly recognizable.
Regular Maintenance
Maintaining your sign is not something hard if you use neon lights or regular light to illuminate your sign, just replace them as soon as you notice they are not working. There is nothing worse than a neon sign that is not working properly for weeks because, believe it or not, people do pay attention to that. Besides that, do not forget to wash your sign if it gets dirty or dusty from time to time; it takes less than 10 minutes to make it shine again. That also impacts on the brand image. No one likes to see a dirty or faded sign that no one takes care of.

Why Business Signs Matter
Every business owner strives to boost its brand and become more recognizable and successful. But in order to do that, your business needs to be a full package, and the selling point for that package is a good sign. It will help you stand out from the rest of the competition, attract new customers, and make your brand recognizable. Our recommendations are just guidelines and things you should keep in mind while designing your sign. Remember to keep it simple and unique, dare to do something different, it could change your career.