To some people, dating comes just as natural as breathing. Well, we got to admit, those ones got pretty lucky because dating can sometimes be tricky. If you’re one of the charmers, you probably won’t be needing this article. However, those on the opposite side of this situation will definitely learn a thing or two from reading it.
Nowadays dating is pretty common, and it’s really important that we leave a great impression when we decide to go on one. The tricky part about it, is the fact that leaving a bad impression will most likely leave you without another chance to try and make it better. So, if you’re fed up with getting rejected or disappointing people on your dates, we have a few tips for you.
Showing your best side
Nobody is perfect and that’s a well-known fact. However, when people go on dates, they have really high expectations in their minds about how things should work out perfectly. That’s why you need to give your best when it comes to showing your most impressive side.
Although we’re not fans of the “materialistic values over personality”, sadly we live in a world where for some reason, it is really important to people what kind of clothes you wear or what kind of a smartphone you own. So, just for the sake of leaving a good impression, wear your best and newest clothes on your first date. Since we’re trying to do everything to leave a great impression, we don’t want any possible disadvantages.
Now, after you’re done with the looking good part, it’s time to focus more on the inside. Plan what you’re going to talk about and think of all the conversations you had with the person before the date if there were any. It is also well-known that having a lot of things in common with the person will most likely increase the chances to like each other.
However, you should be aware of another also known fact which says that opposites attract even more. So don’t try too hard on being like the person you’re dating in terms of liking the same things. It’s completely okay if she likes rock music and you prefer hip-hop. Be unique and you will be more attractive.
There are many apps and websites out there that are designed for people to find their match more easily. W4m maps is a pretty good example. A date will always go better if you manage to talk for a few days before it. Learn what the person likes or dislikes and try to utilize that. For example, if they tell you that red color is their least favorite, don’t wear red on your date. Unless you want to turn it into a joke and let them know that you actually remember small details.
Make sure that you do some things that will impress the person you’re dating, but remember to still remain yourself, no matter what you do. After all, if the person ends up dating you for a long time, sooner or later they will find out how you’re really like, so there’s no point in faking it.
Just be yourself and even if you get rejected, never take it personally. I’m pretty sure that most of you would also reject someone that you don’t like, no matter if you’re a person that never dated anyone before. We all have our standards and we all know what we’re worth. So go out there and find someone to date.