It is not a secret that almost every video game that is popular today has its valleys and peaks. Destiny 2, primarily designed to be an ongoing hobby game, maybe has more peaks than others.
Yet, the big fans of this game know that putting together a new character is not an easy task. You will have to go through a long process to achieve some hugger success. The things are even worst if you already played with a high-level character. Resetting back to 750 (all characters now start at that point) and reaching the same success with the second character.
Fortunately for both types of players, several different ways can make the progress faster.
Let’s find them out together!
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Get Your Main Character Strong
Okay, the first thing you should do is to ensure that your main character is strong. You won’t be able to boost quickly the level of your alt if your main character does not have a Power cap of 900.
After you do that, you will get the chance to take three weapons from different categories. Those three categories are Energy, Kinetic, and Power. Those three categories are at the highest Power level you can spare. After you take them, stash them in your vault.
After doing that, ensure that your seasonal rank is at least. Of course, 20 would be the best, but 10 works fine as well. Now, simply log out with the character and log in to the new Guardian.
Take Your Alts on a Shopping Spree
You will need around 10 minutes to finish the opening mission that all characters start with. After those 10 minutes, you go to the next step. You will find yourself in the Tower with the new Guardian. Now, you need to go to your Vault and take the weapons that we previously mentioned. Your character will get an immediate boost thanks to their 900-plus Power levels.
Go to Collections Menu and click on “Leveling” Here you can spend Gunsmish and Glimmer Materials to pull out blue armor. Keep in mind that a Power level of those blue armors is going to be a bit below the average. More precisely, your collections will be around 800 Power points.
Determine What You Want to Achieve
Well, this is probably the most challenging part of the improvement of your characters. Before everything, you need to determine which things you want to get out of this. The best possible goal would be to shave a little time off getting to 900 Power. If that’s the case, then you can easily continue with the game.
We suggest you run a couple of activities that will allow you to get a feel for your new Guardian. It won’t take you a lot of time to improve the Power points to 900.
Game Those Numbers
Well, if you thought that this part is complex, then you are wrong. However, it is a bit tedious.
We encourage you to continue buying armor from your collection. Each piece of armor will have a Power improvement until the moment you start getting close to the character’s average Power.
Logically, after that, you would want to look at your seasonal rewards. We want to remind you of one important thing. The players do not have to buy a season pass for the “free” tier of rewards. You will recognize them easily. They are grey and they are located at the top. Anyway, you need to know that every fifth seasonal rank level will bring you a piece of armor. For this step, you need to be at least at rank 10. Because of that, you will get two different pieces of armor. However, do not collect them both; get only one of them.
The next thing you should do is to continue with the shopping. Get armor each time until the gains disappear. The gains will only be incremental at this point. Yet, keep in mind that everything counts. After doing this, you will finally get the second seasonal armor that you previously unlocked.
P.S. If you want to get a seasonal rank or 15 or 20, then you should repeat the entire process.
Redeem Tokens
This is the moment when the banking of resources starts to pay off. Let’s say that you have a huge stock of Vanguard or Crucible tokens. The best possible thing to do is to redeem them with the new character. The reward that you will get for spending these contents is a boost over 900 Power points. Logically, this is a painstaking thing to do. However, once you hit 900, it is a matter of time when your character will be able to fight for the Powerful Rewards.
However, that’s not it. There is one small trick that you can only do if you have a season pass. You need to know that every season pass owner has the opportunity to immediately access a special package. This package contains various items such as Eriana’s Vow and other seasonal armors. If you are not the owner of a season pass, then you will ha to wait to reach the 20th level. The biggest advantage is actually that you get the piece of armor for each character that you use. However, this decision is something that we will leave to you.
After going through these steps, you are now finally ready to enjoy your new Guardian.
Bonus Tip: Ask for Help
Believe it or not, there are websites such as that offer high-quality services to Destiny 2 players. On this website, you can get a new weapon for a fair price. Despite that, we suggest you read their blog and inform yourself more about this game. They will share explanations of each important thing associated with Destiny 2. We attached their website and we encourage you to visit it as soon as possible.
So, does boosting your character quickly seems like a tough thing? Will you be able to go alone through all the steps that we mentioned? Tell us, we would like to hear you!