Photos and descriptions of what interior options may look like on Tesla Model 3 have appeared on Tesla Model 3 Owners Club site. One of the biggest changes, money-wise, will be a removal of a premium sound system. The option, priced at $3,000, represents the largest chunk of a $5,000 premium upgrade package offered with Tesla X and S models.
Seats will also suffer some changes, as Tesla is considering removing faux leather and opting for cloth fabric. While some people preferred faux leather option, many others did request a cloth version, as it feels more comfortable to them.
An option for a glass roof is still murky and it is unclear how Tesla will deal with it. The latest rumor says that it will be standard on all cars, but it will be painted over from the inside and covered with liner for people opting not to get it. This is somewhat confusing since it will make cars without a glass roof more expensive to make. One answer is that it will be a different type of glass, not the expensive one with UV blocking.
The center console will also be different and more in line with the one Tesla offered on early versions of Model S. This would be a piece of great news for aftermarket companies, like EV Annex, whose console was widely popular with Model S owners.
Lights on the bottom of the doors will also be removed, together with auto-folding mirrors, making them ordinary powered ones. Tesla will also remove back seat heaters.
The standard interior package will be available on lower trims, as an effort on Tesla’s part to force customers to pay for the upgrades.