Healthy Hoops ─ Why Basketball Is Good For Your Mental Health

We typically prioritize the physical benefits of basketball. Sure, it’s one of the best sports for building endurance, burning calories, improving balance, and more, but it also comes with a range of mental health benefits that make it great for players of all ages!

Mental health is a key priority for people of all ages and it is important to consider the positive ways in which we can elevate our mood whilst reducing feelings of anxiety, depression, and temporary mental strain.

Here, we are going to talk about some of the ways this legendary game can help improve your mental health, alongside its awesome physical benefits!

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1. Exercise is great for the mind

Grab your best Brisbane Bullets basketball gear, because it’s time to get down to your local court for some physical and mental health-improving practice. Exercise – any form at that – is great for your mental health. This is because when we exercise our bodies release “feel good” chemicals like endorphins and serotonin.

These feel-good chemicals can not only improve our mood, but they can also help reduce anxiety and depression in the long term. What’s more, they help improve cognitive function and improve self-esteem whilst tiring us out enough to help us relax for the rest of the day after a big match!

2. Being part of a team is good for self-esteem


One of the greatest feelings of achievement we can enjoy is being part of a team that works towards a shared goal. Working with your teammates towards the common goal of getting the W is one of the best ways to boost self-confidence and self-worth.

What’s more, being part of a team and partaking in regular matches and training sessions is a positive way to socialize. Many people – especially as they reach their 20s – save their socializing for the pub or party. This is fine, but without the balance of having some healthy socializing (i.e. basketball), it can throw out your mental balance.

As such, being part of a team is a healthy and positive way to socialize during the week and on weekends that doesn’t have to involve going too hard on the beers!

3. Winning is good for self-worth

There is no denying it: it feels pretty good to win. To know that you have contributed to a successful outcome is an awesome feeling and a great source of pride. It’s a great feeling when that final buzzer sounds at the end of a tight game in which you played a crucial role in ensuring that one-point win.

There is a great sense of satisfaction that comes with getting a win and this can be instilled into our consciousness for other aspects of life.

4. It promotes discipline


Being disciplined may seem boring but it’s great for your mental health. The ability to not only be disciplined in risky situations but also to learn new disciplines is something that can have a great effect on our sense of personal well-being.

Becoming disciplined is a skill in itself much like building muscle. And the more discipline we grow, the more we can combat situations that might otherwise lead us down a bad path. For example, practicing discipline can help us avoid unwanted temptations like drug and alcohol abuse or even seemingly innocuous things like routine over-eating.

As such, basketball is great for many aspects of mental health, and this is just another reason why it’s awesome to play!