Do feel as if writing comes naturally for you? Would you say that you struggle or enjoy it? Irrespective of your feelings, it is highly likely that you have already realised that there is no hiding from it. You will find yourself writing important pieces; both for yourself and for others.
The pieces could be in a work setting, academic setting, or in even less official settings. For example, you may need to write an important email to your family lawyer or a speech at an important gathering. Given the crucial role that some of the pieces you may have to write play in the outcomes of your endeavors, they need to be almost flawless and captivating.
So how do you go about ensuring that you end up with excellent pieces of writing? Well, here are 10 approaches to becoming a better writer.
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Establish Clarity
Getting clear will make things easier for you while also helping you complete your writing faster. The first question before you get started should be: Why am I writing? The answer to this question should indicate the desired outcome.
The outcome could be motivation for your team, getting approval for an important project, getting admission to your institution of choice, and negotiating for better pay at work. Read widely while taking notes to help you settle on a concise idea. This way, you’ll avoid the problem of incongruent sentences that make it hard for your reader to make sense of your writing.
Use Short Sentences
Short sentences are easy to comprehend. You want your readers to go through your writing without having to pause and struggle to understand the real meaning in your statement. Short comprehensible statements are easy on one’s memory and will help the reader to remember whatever they have gone through in your paper as they progress through the piece enabling them to piece together the ideas you are communicating comfortably.
Use Simple Words
The last thing you want your writers to do is taking numerous breaks to search for the meaning of the words you have used in your writing. The more time they take off to find the definitions of the terms used in the writing, the higher the chances of them getting confused by the piece and eventually losing interest in reading to the end.
Simple words also ensure readers get the clear intended meaning of the words as there may be different interpretations for some of the more complex expressions. Trying to sound smart can backfire on you and make you fail on your intended mission. You will not achieve a great impact by the complexity of your words but instead by the soundness of your ideas.
Avoid Fluff Words
Qualifying words such as rather, little, and very do not add to the meaning but merely serve to lower the quality of your statements. Such words may cause an unnecessary distraction to the readers and fail to have the desired impact. Instead of relying on such qualifying words, consider using more accurate adjectives that provide the concise meaning intended for the reader.
Use Short Paragraphs
Unnecessarily long paragraphs can sometimes be taken as a symptom of being overconfident but lacking in terms of content. Your reader’s needs must come first. The design of the human brain is in a way to enable it take in any information more easily when it is in small chunks.
Focus on the message and ensure that it is possible to get it out to the reader within short but comprehensive paragraphs. The reader should not have to put up with lengthy paragraphs when the idea being conveyed does not necessarily require such.
Avoid the Passive Voice
The passive voice tends to affect the quality of your writing negatively. Sentences written in this form are indirect and more extended. You want to avoid a scenario where the meaning of your statements is easily convoluted. The tone in the passive voice is also quite informal and more conversation compared to the case of the active voice.
An active voice overcomes such issues creating a more significant emotional impact. It creates a sense of immediacy putting the reader in the moment generating a better connection to the action. Those for whom English is a second language also have an easier time comprehending the text improving their understanding of the text.
Avoid Redundancy
Repetition can do extensive damage to a great piece. Readers usually have a yearning for more concepts as they go through a piece of writing. They will be appalled if they find themselves going through ideas that you had already covered, as it will be a waste of their time and energy.
This can make them develop a low opinion of your content and decide to avoid it altogether. You should strive to avoid any issues that may cause a reader to abandon your content halfway as you’ll fail to achieve your intended objective.
Observe Proper Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation
Readers appreciate a writer with excellent grammar, punctuation, and spelling. It promotes their understanding of the text. Poorly punctuated sentences may, for instance, have the effect of altering the meaning of a sentence and cause confusion.
Such work may also make the author lose the reader’s respect. The problem with such an outcome is that even though the writing may have interesting and compelling content, the reader may not commit their time to it. If you have issues with grammar and punctuation, search for materials both online and offline that address them.
Proofread and Make Corrections
It is almost impossible to come up with a perfect write-up on the first attempt. Proofreading and editing is a concept embraced by professional writers. In some cases, they revise their draft several before settling on the final version.
Proofreading and editing accords you the opportunity to get rid of irrelevant and repeated information, as well as grammatical errors that you may have made along the way allowing your ideas to come out according to your intended plan.
Have a Strong Closing
Close in a way that elicits interest in a further inquiry by the reader into the issue. Many readers are often keen on getting a copy of your next writing simply because of how good your closing argument is and will be yearning to engage you further on the issue to get more perspectives. An excellent closing can also be useful in calling people to action.
Start your Journey to a Top-notch Writer
Brilliant writing is a skill that one can learn and master. Write-essay-for-me can be a great place to get started on your journey to becoming a compelling writer and enhance your fortunes. Their approach to writing different kinds of pieces is in line with best practices.